Poštovane kolege,


Prvi dan u Genovi je radni dio prema točkama dnevnog dijela:

5th MAY 2022
1. Opening by the President
2. Apologies
3. Presentation of Council Members
4. Adoption of the Agenda
5. Adoption of the Minutes of the 26th Council Meeting (Rijeka)
6. CESMA Board (actual and future)
7. Rendering of the financial papers
8. General Secretary’s report
9. Statutes and By-Laws (asking for modifications)
10. Membership
11. Cooperation with other organisations
12. Presentation of new CESMA Internet site & Management
13. Evaluation of Resolutions from 26th AGA
14. New Resolutions proposals
15. Any other matters
16. Closure by the President


CESMA je imala strašno velikih problema oko WEB pogotovo nakon smrti tajnika Frederic van Wijnen te smo na 26th sjednici u Rijeci se već dotakli tog problema.

Budući da imam iskustva s webom ponudio sam se da napravim novi WEB kojeg sam prezentirao u Genovi. Posebno je bitno za naglasiti da postoji mogućnost logiranja u member area gdje če biti objevljeni dokumenti samo za članice/delegate (komunikacija, dokumenti za AGA i sl.) Generalno godišnji troškovi  web su  spušteni s 300EUR na cca 80EUR te su probleni oko vlasništva domene riješeni.

Kolege su bile zadovoljne prezentiranim.


Novi WEB http://www.cesma-europe.org


Oko login na member area treba se dogovoriti tko će imati pristup u ime ZHUPK, te će se onda lozinke proslijediti.


Nove rezolucije su usvojene:

  1. Problem istjecanja svjedodžbi ukrajinskih pomoraca – nemogućnost zamjene zbog ratnog stanja – dopis prema EK
  2. Mogućnost da ukrajinski pomorci rade traininge i obnovu svjedodžbi u zemljama EU –  dopis


Drugi dan – seminari:


09:00 – 09:30 Registration and welcome coffee
09:30 – 10:00 Welcome Address
Capt. Claudio TOMEI (President USCLAC)
Capt. Dimitar DIMITROV (President CESMA)
Mr Marco BUCCI (Mayor of Genoa)
Mr Giovanni TOTI (Regione Liguria President )
Mr Paolo Emilio SIGNORINI (Ports of Genoa Port Authority System President)
Mr Sergio LIARDO (Coast Guard – Ligura Maritime Director)
10:15 Mr Eugenio MASSOLO (Italian Shipping Academy, president)
“The Academy’s role and its offer for students”
10:30 – 11:30 Part 1 “Unmanned vessels : master ashore ? The master’s responsibility”
Moderator : Mr Riccardo MASNATA (journalist)
Michele MARTELLI (University of Genoa – DITEN, Dept. of Naval Architecture, Electric,
Electronic and Telecommunication Engineering)
“The current research on autonomous vessels”
Andrea LEBOFFE (Rina, Italy Naval ship centre manager)
“Regulatory framework, master role and responsibility”
Leendert BAL (EMSA – Head of Safety, Security and Surveillance)
Giacomo GAVARONE (Confitarma, President of HR and IRT Group)
“Unmanned vessels: the role of the human factor”
11.30 – 12.00 Q&A – discussion
12.00 – 13.00 Lunch
13.00 – 14.00 Part 2 “LNG powered ships, what future and safety?”
Stefano MESSINA (Assarmatori, president)
“The LNG solution: from transition tool to strategic fuel”
Alberto BOTTAREL (Coast Guard, Genoa Harbour Master Officer)
“The use of LNG as a fuel on board – The international rules in force”
Giampiero DE CUBELLIS (Wartsila, Head of Strategic Account Management)
“From LNG ships to future fuels and autonomous shhips”
Massimo FIGARI (University of Genoa – DITEN – Marine Engineering)
“Regulations and human factor”
14.15– 14.45 Q&A – discussion
14:45 – 17:15 CESMA AGA

Dva vrlo interesantna seminara su bila prezentirana. Autonomni brodovi su nešto što se sve više spominje te za sad ima nekoliko projekata koji su realizirani u unutarnjim vodama te brodova koji su testirani čak i uvjetima HIGH TRAFFIC.

Postavlja se pitanje koliko brzo će sve to ići … Postavio sam pitanje prema prestavniku EMSA kako oni vide u budućnosti tko će preuzimati upravljanje/remote operation u nacionalnim vodama zemlja članica VTS ili piloti, ili će se ta funkcija objediniti.

Za sad EMSA nema odgovor na to pitanje tj. regulativa nije otišla toliko daleko.


Alternativni pogoni kao LNG, Vodik i amonijak su prezentirani s naglaskom na LNG dual full engine.



Drugi dan – popodne AGA:


1. Opening by the President. Presentation of Board Members. Aims of CESMA
2. Adoption of the Agenda
3. Adoption of the Minutes of the 26th AGA (Rijeka)
4. War in UKRAINE: Consequences for shipmasters
5. COVID 19 pandemic: Evolution since 2021
6. Pressure on shipmasters
7. Criminalization of seafarers – Present situation
8. Digitalization of shipping – Challenges for shipmasters
9. Decarbonization – Responsibility for shipmasters
10. Any other matters
11. Resolutions 27th AGA, Genoa
12. Next AGA invitation/presentation
13. Closure by the President


Problemi smjena posade zbog rata i Covida su bile glavne teme rasprave.


Ovo je kratki osvrt na CESMA AGA Genova te će zapisnik i rezolucije biti proslijeđene naknadno te dostupne na webu –  member area.



Damir Lakoš

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