
Zamolba Ministarstvu za prioritetno dobrotvorno i besplatno cijepljenje pomoraca

Poštovani ZHUPK  ( Zajednica Hrvatskih Udruga pomorskih kapetana RH u čijem su sastavu za sada ima  7  Udruga Pomorskih  Kapetana RH i to Udruge  : Rijeka, Kostrena, Rab, Zadar, Šibenik, Split i Zagreb ) uputila je  dolje priloženi dopis na adresu dvaju naših ministarstva ( Prometa  i Zdravstva) te i na adresu Hrvtskog Zavoda za […]

Kina otvara 10 luka za smjenu inozemnih članova posade

Izvor: Kina je otvorila 10 luka za smjenu stranih članova posada budući da zemlja ublažava restrikcije vezane uz ulazak stranih državljana. Prema Ministarstvu prometa, Dalian, Tianjin, Qingdao, Šangaj, Ningbo, Fuzhou, Xiamen, Guangzhou, Shenzhen i Haikou otvoreni su za smjene stranih članova posada. Vlasnik ili upravitelj broda može podnijeti zahtjev za smjenu posade u lukama […]

Call for Compliance with Maritime Law and Support of Vessels involved in Sea Rescue

Dear Commission president von der Leyen, dear Commissioner for Home Affairs Joha nsson, dear Heads of European Member States, The undersigned organisations are writing to you in order to call for your compliance with maritime law, and to urge you to ensure the full and unconditional support for vessels which fulfill their duty to rescue […]

Responsibility of States to minimizedisruptions to the global supply chain andseafarers’ challengesas a result of the COVID-19 pandemic

Draft resolution Responsibility of States to minimizedisruptions to the global supply chain andseafarers’ challengesas a result of the COVID-19 pandemic   The General Assembly, Recognizing that the COVID-19 pandemic is one of the greatest global challenges in the history of the United Nations, and further noting with deep concern its impact on health and the […]

Philippines positions itself as the ‘crew change capital of the world’

Izvor: The Philippines is trying to position itself as a crew change hub, adding three more ports along with Manila where ships can get seafarers on and off. The ports of Panila, Capinpin and Subic Bay have all been given the green light to become crew change locations. Other ports including Cebu, Davao and […]

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